
  • 别名:wāngpíng中国香港高雄市立第二中学
  • 身高:166cm49kgA型
  • 职业:演员天蝎座
  • 出生日期:1967-03-20中国香港


参演影片 大三元Thethree tales 大杀手Thekiller 吃人井=Well of doom 龙潭虎穴Dragon den 娇娃 歌舞团恶风云 边寨风云 想入非非Sweet sister-in-law 复活的玫瑰The renascent rosebud 火并Duel for gold 大决斗Theduel 菊子姑娘Miss Kikuko 苦儿流浪记Nobody\'s child 碧血黄花The 72 martyrs of Canton 群英会Trilogy of swordsmanship 秋瑾Thedawn of China\'s revolution 蓝与黑Theblue and the black 蓝与黑续集The blue and the black 2 抢新郎Husband hunters 飞渡卷云山= Magnificent bodyguards 脸谱Kung fu attraction 飘香剑雨= The lost sword-ship 碧血洗银枪The silver spear 梦醒情未了How could I stop loving you 爱的挑战The trap of love 云飞何处= Swimming pool episode 唐山弟子The big boss part II 武侠奇情之古剑英魂The souls of the sword 山东大姐Sister of Shangtong 女蛟龙Thebeauty heroine 风情尤物Under the spell of love 刀剑霸王拳Killer from above 阖第光临Full house 避孕大全A cookbook of birth control 燕双飞Flight of a pair of swallows 那个不多情Love is everywhere 绿帽唔怕戴Frigidity 乔迁之喜House removal greeting 秋灯夜雨All in the dim cold night 夜夜盼郎归Tonight and every night 真假千金The beggarly girl 私恋Secret affairs 男大当婚Troubles with the bachelors 西游记第壹佰零壹回之月光宝盒A Chinese Odyssey part one - Pandora\'s box 西游记大结局之仙履奇缘A Chinese Odyssey part two - Cinderella 自由恋爱Let the young decide 古墓侠侣The heroic couple from the ancient tomb  
